Today in the mail I got the telephone book I bought on ebay. I had forgot that I bought this - so it was a pleasant surprise! After reading Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber yesterday, I couldn't think of one wish.
I hate to have wishes that might never come true. I'd like to go back to this area to visit. Whether I get to go or not - it is a wish.
Dial? I don't think so. A real live lady opperater would come on the line and ask "Number please" or alternately "Operater" and then connect your lines.
We haven't gone yet. There aren't many restaurants out here...Have you been to San Tan Flats? One caution, there is a new barbecue place, caty corner to the queen creek cafe....don't go. It is so tough and tasteless. OH, but the mexican rest. in the same strip mall called Cravings is good, so is the sushi place if you like sushi.
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