Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shhh... don't tell ;)

Yesterday morning I noticed that Bandit dug a BIG hole in the grass by the pool deck. I went out and found that the sewer system had backed up. The sewer system was going out the "drain out" into the grass. Oh no! I had the washer going - the dishwasher going and my husband was taking a shower. I told my husband. We agreed that if it had happened again we would go out and buy a sewer drain cleaner.
I went to Harbor Freight. They have them for $259.99. When I got there I found out that they don't carry them in the store anymore. I would have to order one online :( So I went to Ace Hardware. They only rent them there. So off to Lowes I go. They have them but for $379.99. So on to Home Depot.... Yes, they have them too..... for $499.99. Oh no!
I called my husband. No answer. I tried 12 times. No answer. I was upset (to put it mildly). Since he is a mailman, I went to find him on his route. (many really bad words had been said by me during this time) I found him! He had a supervisor riding with him on his route. (hanging head for all the bad words I said) I told him about the prices. He said - we'll just have to rent one again this time. He would work on the sewer line when he got off work.
He called me at 6pm and said to go down and rent it now. I would have it there by the time he got home (and I'd only have to pay the 4 hour charge). I picked it up - brought it home - and in the dark he fixed the sewer line. He told me I should flush the line with backwash from the pool.
Stay with me... I'm getting there!
Soooo... I spread out the hose to the pool pump -turned it to backwash - and turned it on. The hose kinked on the end when I turned it on. So the water busted through one of the tiny holes in the hose. That tiny hole turned into a huge hole. Water was spraying so high it hit the side of the house. I ran to the timer and turned the pool pump off.
My husband laughed. He figured what else could go wrong today :::shaking head:::!
I was going to put the hose back by the pool pump but my husband said.... no, just leave it there. You can deal with it in the morning. hehehehe (little did I know then)
Last night I couldn't sleep. I slept in the guest room. I wanted my husband to be able to have a good night of sleep (considering the day). I heard Bandit bark a couple times through the night. Trixie did not. Trixie is my little barker. Finally at 4am I GOT UP!
I looked out in the backyard. There was Bandit - no Trixie. I looked at the grass area. I could see reflections of the solar lights. ummmmm
I looked out at the pool. Oh Good Golly! I remembered that I turned the pool pump off at the "timer." At midnight every night, the timer turns on the pool cleaner. I still had the pump on backwash. WATER WAS SPRAYING EVERYWHERE! For 4 hours!
Needless to say... I ran (Bandit ran with me thinking we were playing - Trixie was hiding) and turned the pump off.
My husband being really tired last night didn't hear anything. If I had been sleeping back there, I would have heard the water. Our bedroom and bathroom are in the back and opens to the pool.
My husband got up - got ready for work - and left. He didn't go in the backyard this morning. Shhhhhh.... he doesn't know we have a "lake" in the backyard. Don't tell!


Rev. Paul said...

What an eventful night! and what a way to be welcomed back home ... I feel for you.

Anonymous said...

UGH! What a night!

Becca's Dirt said...

I would say Sshhh too. No need to tell hubby since there was nothing he could do about the lake in the back yard. That was a terrible night. Hope it all works out.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my goodness...sounds like something that would happen to US too.
I suppose your home value just went up since you have waterfront property????

j said...

Bless your heart! Has he found the lake yet? I won't tell him, I promise :)

Susie said...

Oh my goodness I hate nights like that! Glad your hubbie got a good nights sleep!

Stefunkc said...

Hee hee!