Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dirty Little Secret

I have this dirty little secret that I have not confessed to my blogger friends. I know we don't have to air our dirty laundry out on blogger but.... I have this area on the side of the house that is just plain ugly! I threw those aloe vera over there because I didn't know where else to put them. I had thousands and couldn't find homes for them all. This area has an old tree stump too. From that tree stump I get these "shoots." I dig them up :( I cut them down :( I put rocks on them:( They won't go away!
It was my husbands idea ( I swear)! As if he hasn't built enough around our house lately, he going to "fix" the side. Here is the first load of stones. We'll need two more loads of planter stones - 4 tons of dirt - 2 tons of sand - and then it's off to the nursery AGAIN!


Rev. Paul said...

To kill a stump, pour muriatic acid on it. Note: wear rubber gloves, just in case.

Becca's Dirt said...

Most of us have what we might call an eyesore spot in our yards. An area that just doesn't live up to the rest of the yard. Anyway can't wait to see what you do with it. I'll post a before pic after I have begun my project(s). I have a lot of those kind of spots.

You keep the aloe plant for burns don't you? I apply the juice as soon as I get a burn and it doesn't blister. I swear by it.

The rest of your place looks nice and colorful. Becca

Pudgeduck said...

The "Arizona Bottle Tree" will be perfect in that area! I keep my umbrella down and my wind chimes tied up most of the time!!!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

It never ends does least your husband is motivated. He is better than those that sit on the couch w/ a beer and tell you what to do. :) NOT that either of us would put up with that nonsense!!

Prospero said...

For the frenzied landscaper, the day is never done. Plan, act and relax. That's the motto. Hi Trix, Bandit and the cats.

Aiyana said...

Glad to see another Arizona blogger. Seems like we are few and far between! Is your husband going to lay a paver patio? I wasn't quite sure if that's what your plan is. If the tree stump is a tamarisk--oh my! nothing seems to kill these things--not even burning. Sometimes you can drill holes down into the root area and fill it with Garlon4®.

Diane AZ said...

Aloes spread like crazy at my house too. I also have a volunteer tree in the worst place, that keeps coming back. I know your side yard is going to look beautiful when you guys get done with it.

Lanny said...

If Rev. Paul's remedy seems to intense you can inject Round Up into the cambium layer (the green ring) and it will most certainly die but the soil will not retain the killing properties. If you don't have a needle and syringe you can pick one up at a feed store.

Carol............. said...

Ha! You should see all my little spots that are not pleasant to the eye that I don't show on my blog!!LOL

Looks like you've got er' handled, though!