Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The President at ASU

I actually took this picture of Air Force One! I tried last time it was here in Phoenix and missed it. Last time I got a picture of the trees.

Si and I sat out on my front yard and waited to take the picture of Air Force One.

Channel 12 was interviewing some ASU graduate's parents when the President practically ran down the steps of Air Force One. The news team almost missed it. Oops!

This has been on our news everyday. The President gave the commencement address for the graduating ASU Class of 2009 today. I couldn't remember who gave my commencement address when I graduated from college to save my life.

They warned the people that it is hot here in Arizona. It is even hotter at the ASU Sun Devil Stadium! 95 people had to go to the hospital because of the heat. They had the people come into the stadium at 3pm (the hottest time of our day). This is one of the ladies they carried out.

Their seats were on those hot metal benches.

They told the people they had to leave their water bottles at the gate. They told them that there would be water supplied to them inside. Yep.... at $5.50 a bottle!

Many, many, many thousands of people showed up for this. Some of the graduating class wore swimming suits.

They said that these would be the temperatures during the commencement speech. They were wrong.... It was 104. Hot!

This is one of the earlier pictures of the traffic. No way would you catch me out driving during this. And no way would you catch me out in this heat (unless I was in the pool). I was in front of the tv watching American Idol. Woohoo! Next week we pick between Adam and Kris :)


Anonymous said...

I cannot believe your heat! Great picture you captured.

Susie said...

This was an interesting read Deedee. What a rip off at the stadium regarding the water. That's nuts! Poor people. You wouldn't catch me out in that traffic mess either!

Diane AZ said...

Good job getting a picture of Air Force One! Hearing the pres speak must have been exciting for that graduating class. Janet Napolitano spoke at my daughter's graduation years ago. Air Force One flew over my house once when Bush surveyed wildfire damage in our mtns. No excitement here lately. :)

Busy Bee Suz said...

How exciting.
I think who ever thought to charge 5.50 for a bottle of water should be strung by their toes. NOT RIGHT.

Deb said...

I love American glad Kris made it in...I'm sure Adam will win though..