I was trying to get a feel of what "size" Bandit is. Bandit is now 5 months old and well over 55 pounds. The manufacturers make cute things for my little Papillon, Trixie. They make nothing for a growing Rottweiler!
After the two guys come to give me estimates for the new driveway, ( because we can't fit three big trucks on the current driveway) I going to head out to find proper Cardinal attire for the BIG day!
I love being retired. I finally get to take care of the fun things in my life.
God's Blessings to all **
thanks for coming to visit over at Koda's and my journal and adding yourself as a reader :)
I always love meeting new people online. I have a very dear friend I met online in the Phoenix area and she's coming to town in March so we can meet in person; I'm looking forward to that
my gosh Bandit is going to be big I would imagine!! he looks cute in the Cardinal shirt too
glad you are enjoying retirement!
have a great rest of the day :)
What a sweet face! But somehow, don't you think he's thinking, "Gosh, I wish this were a Patriots Jersey?" tee hee hee!!
Good luck on Sunday!
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