I use to voice my very strong opinions on my blog. I figured it's "my" blog! I would reread the posting and then delete it. I'd think.... does anyone really care what I think?
I have eight grandchildren! I am so proud of all of them. None of these wonderful children were ever considered being aborted. Which gets me to my point.... The first thing on the new president's agenda is to sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). There are so many things that need to be addressed, our economy, our jobs, the mortgage crises, etc. There is no way a Christ Believing - Born Again President could sign this Act. But that is not what was voted in as President for the USA.
Was he voted in just because he is "black" ??? The media ( don't even get me started on the media) had him portrayed as a messiah. :( As he is sworn in today, I remember to "trust in the Lord." God has a plan!
Above is a picture of one of my grand daughters playing the piano during their church service. I am blessed!
And knowing that God sits on the the throne and that He indeed does have a plan is the ONLY thing getting me through this.
Thanks for following my blog...
I enjoy reading your comments. What happening with the new truck?
Hi, I just found your blog through Mildred's at Nalley Valley. This is a great post. I also saw your post about the president being in Mesa yesterday. We all live in the Valley and our son in Tempe told us he saw the motorcade.
All the best, Lana
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