Each of the houses in my neighborhood are unique. Some are huge, absolutely gorgeous homes... Some are average, well-kept homes... and then there is this house.....
"The Fish House"
Everyone, I'm sure, has that house in their neighborhood that is.... well, just not like the rest. This is "the one" in mine.
Maybe this guy works for Sea World.
Personally,I think he could use some Neon.
Your recent posting are not appearing on your website, although I see then in my dashboard. Don't know if the trouble is on your end or mine. I think maybe you may be having a problem with Photobucket.
I installed that Photobucket thing and haven't got it to work right on my computer. So the problem is on my page not yours. Sorry. I'm glad you like the fish house pictures. I found another house in my neighborhood that has shamrocks on it. I'll post that soon. And maybe some "normal" looking houses here too.
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