Friday, February 12, 2010

Like Daughter, Like Mother .......

Looks like my daughter won't be the only one in the news lately...... Yesterday on the news I saw this piece of "news" about one neighbor complaining about what his neighbor put in their backyard. The news didn't show what it was. But... they did show the street sign of where it was. I called hubby and told him about it. When hubby got off work, we drove over to check it out.
Hubby called me this morning to go over and take some pictures before the city makes them cut it down. In my "jammies" ..... hair NOT combed..... teeth NOT brushed ..... had put on a old jacket that had dog/cat hair ( looked like a homeless person) I drove over to take a couple pictures.
There was the news team interviewing the neighbor across the street that had complained. I waited in my truck - I did NOT want to be on the news!
When the reporter was done, I got out of my truck and started snapping pictures. The reporter noticed me, of course, I was the only one out there. The reporter asked my opinion and said she really want to have me on TV. I explained that I hadn't combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and HAD on my jammies! She said "Oh that's ok.... I'll only take the interview from the shoulders up. Lots of begging.......... I agreed.
It will be on tonight's news. When I called hubby, he said "I wonder if this will go national?"
The horror of that hadn't crossed my mind when I did the interview.
As I type this post I'm thinking it could go worldwide on YouTube.
I really don't want to be remembered as the lady who......
I'll tell you tomorrow how my interview went - might even post a picture of the "thing" in the neighbor's backyard ;)


Deb said...

oh....your gonna keep us waiting....

Tanna said...

oh, deedee! you are keeping us hanging!! lol... can't wait to hear the rest of this!!

Rev. Paul said...

I love cliffhangers! Keep us posted.

Susie said...

Okay, you've peaked my curiosity. I definitely want to see.

Busy Bee Suz said...

So funny DeeDee...always when we are least prepared is when we are showcased!!!
I need to know what the neighbor did.

Lanny said...

The important thing is that you sound intelligent. That would be my fear, because we rarely see an interview where the person appears to be thinking before talking. But I am sure you did very well.

Contemplating Cadie said...

This is HILARIOUS!!! Sad, I didn't get that the picture in the following post was supposed to *be* anything...until I read this I get it. HILARIOUS, I tell ya.