Friday, December 26, 2008

Walnut Ridge Arkansas Post Office

I sent a Christmas package last week to Arkansas. I thought I had sent it to Portia, Arkansas. When I called yesterday to see if she got her package - she said no. I then remembered I sent it to Walnut Ridge, Arkansas instead. I don't know why.... In rushing to get everything shipped on time, my brain was thinking Portia but.... my hand wrote Walnut Ridge. With 90% of my family living everywhere else but Arizona, "hurry" at Christmas time is my middle name.
Anyway, I called the Walnut Ridge post office this morning to see if they had seen my package - they said no. At 7:30 am this morning I got a call from the post office here in Tempe. My package made it to Arkansas and back and was here at the Tempe post office waiting for me. Amazing!
I called Walnut Ridge, Arkansas post office and told them Thank You but the package is already back here. I told them (laughing) to be on the look out again if I accidentally addressed it wrong a second time.
This is a Thank You for all the hard working postal workers!

1 comment:

Ricardo said...

It is not easy and I say it, I'm more or less the same area professional!
